Visual Effects

a collection of fun projects

(made in Unreal Engine)

Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5

A before and after, showcasing the mix of ue5 and live action compositing

From the upcoming short film “Last Summer Night”

Any Blade Runner fans? This video shows the combination of two elements: the live action actor and the sci-fi world I created in Unreal.

This proof of concept has opened up the possibilities of stories I can tell.

The complete 1 minute film will premiere in March, 2023.


D.P. - Dylan Lam

Actor - Alex Yu

Star wars

a shot-by-shot remake.

Age 10. My parents sit me down in front of the television set. Surround sound on. Lights off.

The opening crawl begins. I’m transported to a new world.

When the film ends, I’m left with one striking thought: how can I make that?

Age 14. I wrangle my neighborhood friends as actors. I turn my basement into my personal soundstage. Months of constructing ‘elaborate’ sets, props, and miniature models. I teach myself visual effects to recreate the feeling of awe and wonder.

Age 15. The hour-long film is finished. I hold my first film premiere with the entire neighborhood. It’s my first taste at presenting my work to an audience.

This course of events set me on my path- the only path for me— filmmaking.

“I’m going to create my own

galaxy’s edge ride.”

— Byron Ruf, 2020

Creating an immersive experience

My next door neighbor called me up and told me how his family had gone without him to the new “Galaxy’s Edge” park at Disney. One of the attractions he was bummed about missing out on was the Millennium Falcon ride, which allows passengers to pilot the Falcon in an immersive, augmented-reality experience. The combination of my interest in AR and perhaps my boredom during lockdown compelled me to promise my neighbor a ride on the Falcon. But instead of travelling all the way to Florida, he could enjoy it right next door!

Time to Ride

Designing an Icon

Everyone knows what the Millennium Falcon looks like. Even if you haven’t seen the movies, you’ve no doubt seen it’s silhouette and design on promotional materials. Constructing this cockpit was step number one - passengers needed to feel like they were in an actual, functioning ship for this illusion to work.