Booth for Two

To save their dying relationship, Charlie sets up restaurant booths in his garage to recreate his first date with Rooney at a now-closed diner.

The tragicomic romance of “Booth for Two” resonated with my own life experiences, compelling me to bring this film to life. If you are like me, and you just can’t get over “the one,” then I am making this film for you. I will show you the lengths partners will go to salvage a relationship that has lost its spark. 

Love’s First Spark

You’re seated in a diner booth, waiting for your date to arrive.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Each second passes by, the anticipations builds—

CLING. The doorchime at the entrance rattles— in steps your date—

Thump-Thump. Thump-Thump. Your eyes meet across the room. Your heart beat races in sync with “West End Girls” by Pet Shop Boys.

An overwhelming sensation excites you — have I met the one?

emotional therapy

This story is emotional therapy for people fresh out of a breakup. The feeling of pain and vulnerability of losing the person closest to you can be hard to process. As someone who’s experienced these emotions, I think it’s important to have media that helps people feel less alone—that sometimes it just isn’t meant to be.

Meet the Team

  • Byron Ruf


  • Dylan Lam


  • Jacob Nagle



7 Minutes in the Closet